Thursday, October 29, 2009
Another Open Letter To Sting
It has come to my attention that you play a lute. What the fuck, Sting? Are you fucking trying to ruin manhood for men? Seriously. Are you? Because it looks to me like you are.
Holy fucking fuck. You've grown a beard. You glib, Limey son of a bitch. Stop. Just fucking stop. I haven't shaved in a month and nine days now because I am a man and I love that as a man, I can grow a sick, fucking brutal looking beard. Seriously, Its like the unibomber and Captain Nemo smoked meth in an unlit basement for six months while pregnant with each other's bearded children and my face is the burly afterbirth. And here you go, sullying beards with your namby-pamby namby-pambiness. So now, instead of looking like the swarthy embryotic sack nestled on Nemo's hairy uterus, my face looks like a douche bag.
Start respecting your gonads, you baked beans for breakfast enjoying, royalty revering, lute playing, Adventures of Baron Munchausen ruining asshole.
Fuck you.
-Matt C.
An Open Letter To Sting
Dear Sting,
Please do not comment on anything ever again. While I definitely like President Obama, knowing that he has your endorsement makes me feel like I should be slightly embarrassed for liking him because you are a massive tool.
Like, remember when you boasted about how you and your wife have 9-hour tantric sex marathons? And then you attempted to clear up the story and ended up boasting about it again? Yeah, well now I associate liking Obama with boring marathon douchebag sex. Thanks a lot, ass.
I hate you.
-Matt C.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Chapter 14 (redux): That's Entertainment!
Dear Cyclops,
Nice outfit! I can only assume it is to keep THEM from finding you. That or you are afraid of your stepdad Chet cross-kicking you for bringing such great shame to your family. Is that cologne you're wearing? No? Oh, its just mountain dew and basement stink.
CHAPTER 16: Awareness Marches
This morning, I found myself trapped on the wrong side of Congress Street, unable to get off Munjoy Hill because of a Breast Cancer Awareness march. Well intentioned or not, this was incredibly obnoxious and self-serving.
(Much like me.)
As a Hateful Man, I feel it is my responsibility to ask the following hard-hitting question; why does breast cancer awareness need a march dedicated to it?
Are there people out there who actually support breast cancer itself whose minds need to be swayed by a massive, public nuisance? No. Breast cancer is universally regarded as horrible. There is no opposition to breast cancer awareness. When you say the words breast cancer, people immediately perk up at the word breast, then are immediately shot down by the word cancer. No one is sending money to support the spread of breast cancer. Osama Bin Laden, Glenn beck and Tom Cruise probably would all agree with you in describing breast cancer as shitty.
Did that march directly help ease the suffering of anyone afflicted with breast cancer? No. Did it actually help bring about advances in breast cancer treatment? No. Did it allow a bunch of busy people to pat each other on the back for being "involved" with something without having to dirty their hands by accomplishing something meaningful? Yeah, but that's about it.
In terms of getting the actual message across, it was only sort of effective. Sure, some people were wearing pink, but not everyone. Signs were printed up on sheets of 8.5x11 paper, in fonts so small that they couldn’t be read by anyone who wasn’t directly in front of them, then taped to poster boards. People were chatting on their cell phones while marching. The Hateful Wife and I were only able to figure out what they were marching for when we saw a sign with a big pink ribbon on it.
Here. I will be just as effective as that breast cancer march. Watch. Just watch.
Wow. I’m not going to lie, people. That. Was. Awesome. I feel really good about myself for doing something sort of public to raise awareness about the awfulness of something that is intrinsically awful.
And here's the rub, folks. Did that inconvenience anyone? No. Was my message clearly stated? Yes. Guess what? I win. Marchers lose.
Far more appropriate for breast cancer awareness would have been a rally or a concert. Maybe they could have set up a massive garage sale, the proceeds of which go to support breast cancer research. That way, when I think about breast cancer awareness, I don't immediately start grinding my teeth and muttering obscenities. I really don't want to be that guy.
Just to be clear, I am not knocking breast cancer awareness, nor am I knocking exercises of free speech that inconvenience motorists. However, I think that when you inconvenience a motorist, you probably should be doing so for reasons that are more combative than simply showing the world that you hate atrociousness. Critical Mass rides, for example, are excellent uses of inconvenience to get a point across. They piss people off for wasting gas when they could be riding bikes or utilizing mass transit - people who are not me.
That last bit is especially important.
CH. 15: Off the Grid
(Inspired by a conversation with Boo)
Living off the grid in Manhattan and blogging about it does not constitute actually living off the grid.
Let me break this down to you:
1. You are living in one of the largest cities in the world. Even if you are not plugged into the electric grid in your own apartment, you are reaping the benefits of the electric grid because you are surrounded by a million other people who are. You enjoy the ambient light, the ambient heat, and the ambient douche-baggery of living in MANHATTAN.
2. YOU ARE THEN FUCKING BLOGGING ABOUT IT!! That negates what few "off the grid" claims you had going for you.
You really want to live off the grid? Fine. Move to the woods, so far out that you cannot see any ambient light from civilization. Split your own wood. Grow and hunt your own food with hand made tools and weapons. Harvest your own natural fibers and sew your own clothes. Build a shelter only using materials you harvested yourself.
When the park rangers find your corpse next spring, they will appreciate appreciate your sacrifice for the environment, assuming tehy don't just wreite you off ass an eco-yuppie jackass.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Chapter 13: Planned Parenthood
Friday, September 18, 2009
About the Author

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Chapter 12: Timeliness is Hatefulness
Monday, September 14, 2009
CHAPTER 11: Bob Dylan (1)
Chapter 10: Scrapbooking
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hippies. Popular media would have you believe that they are gentle, creative souls who care about the Earth and political causes. Real life experience will teach you that they are a bunch of smelly, self-centered drug addicts who like shitty music, never actually get around to doing anything about the Earth and don't care about politics unless it involves the phrase "legalize it".
If you are considering going to college, you should be aware that if you live in a dorm, it is entirely probable that you will either share a room with a hippie or live within close proximity of one.
You may consider yourself an open-minded, tolerant individual. I certainly consider myself open-minded, and at one time I considered myself tolerant of others. Then I lived with a hippie for a month and a half. This experience has left me with absolutely no tolerance for "grooviness".
Do you like to constantly smell another person's body odor mixed with pot smoke, sandalwood and feet? Do you like hearing someone play the bongos at 1:30 am when you are trying to sleep and/or study for exams? Do you like hearing the phrase "Nah man, It's cool." in the place of "I am sorry for stealing your food. Here's five dollars for your trouble." Do you enjoy the uninvited company of freeloaders and shiftless crumb-bums? Do you like coming back to your dorm room after a weekend at home only to find that someone has not only slept in your bed, but has also left a semen covered gorilla mask under your covers? Do you like smelling of second hand weed and sandalwood because someone's unwashed ass has briefly been in contact with your property? No? Because that is what it's like to live with a hippie.
If you find yourself paired with or placed near a hippie, you have to get rid of them. This chapter will help you do so.
Despite their colorful appearance, hippies are not magical beings. They actually derive this garb from a dated and inherently racist, 1960s view of Gypsies.
Hippies are omnivorous scavengers, but some occasionally claim to be herbivores. Being relatively spineless, many of these self-proclaimed herbivores have trouble holding onto their convictions, especially while high, and revert to their carnivorous ways when no one is looking.
The hippie sleep cycle is neither diurnal nor nocturnal. Their typical active hours are from noon until their presence becomes too cloying, even for each other. While they tend to have a favored den, they will not necessarily sleep on their own bed while within this den. As such, if you are sharing a habitat with a hippie, it is advised that you keep a broom, squirt bottle or rolled-up newspaper near your bed in case the critter passes out on it by mistake.
Hippies can be repelled by the following things:
Soap, water and shampoo; responsibility; manual labor that does not culminate in the possession of narcotics; political discourse that does not involve the founding fathers growing marijuana; hard work; expectations; social contract theory; assault weapons, steel batons, tear gas and rubber bullets;
Hippies cannot be repelled by the following things;
Holy symbols with the exception of holy water (but not because it is holy, and only when used in conjunction with soap); garlic; wooden stakes; pentagrams and hexes; vans with wizards on the side of them; jam bands; marijuana; noodle dancing; import stores; colorful scarves and crocheted winter hats;
Hippies will not drink your blood. They will, however, drain you of the will to live with them.
It is absolutely vital that you prepare yourself for a hippie infestation if you are headed for college. Even if you luck out and end up living with a normal human being, I strongly advise you to prepare. Trust me, a hippie will end up in your room at some point and you will need to deal with them.
1. Quit Smoking or Don't Ever Start
While there are few things as hateful as smoking a big, fat fuckin' cigar, your need to establish control of your living situation trumps the benefits of spewing smoke at bystanders and laughing like a mad man.
By quitting smoking, you have both future moral high ground and a compelling story.
2. Quit Using recreational Drugs
Some people will tell you college is a time for experimentation and expansion of the mind. Those people probably have wealthy parents or do not understand the concept of student loans. Either your parents are paying thousands of dollars up front, or you will be in debt for the rest of your fucking life. Do you really want to be in debt for seven years of college, four of which were spent watching Thundercats while high?
If you don't want to be a victim, you need to grow up. You don't need to stop drinking, though it's a double-edged sword. On one hand, complete sobriety gives you more leverage and prevents your roommate from using the "well alcohol kills more people than weed, so I'm gonna smoke pot in the room" argument. On the other hand, drinking makes you more human to other people in the dorm and will help you cope with your living situation.
If you don't want to quit or you want to spend a few years partying after high school, do so. Spend a year or two working in a shitty, low paying job and do some growing up. When you are ready, get your shit together and then enroll in college. If you wait long enough, you wont even need to follow my instructions because you wont need to live in a dorm.
Being drug free gives you the right to establish that you will not tolerate drug use in your dorm room. This is like hippie kryptonite. They cannot abide by this rule, and when you catch them, you can narc them out to the RA and have them kicked out of the dorm.
Yes, I did just advocate being a narc. If you are still under the belief that being a narc is bad, you need to grow up and stop enabling people to fuck up their lives and walk all over you.
3. Get On a Normal Sleep Cycle
During your senior year of high school, you need to get yourself on a normal, adult sleep cycle and remain on it over the summer. This takes discipline, but it is crucial. Wake up at 6 am and go to bed at 10 most nights.
As established in the "Know Your Enemy" section, hippies do not have regular sleep patterns. They stay up late and sleep in until the last possible minute.
This will cause you two to clash, and when another party is called in to regulate, they will side with you because there is nothing more annoying to an adult than listening to some burnout complain about having to wake up at a reasonable time and being unable to play their bongos at 3 am.
4. Memorize These Useful Phrases
"No, it's not cool."
"No, I don't want to jam."
"No, its not okay to smoke in the room."
"No, it's not cool if you do."
"Yes, that includes pot and hash."
"No, I do not want to play hacky sack."
"No. This is not the dawning of the age of Aquarius."
"That's my bed. Please get your unwashed, sweaty ass off it."
"Nice crocks, ass."
"If you so much as look at those bongos again, I will castrate you."
"If your asshole friends eat any more of my food, I will gut the lot of you and use your skins as a slip-n-slide."
"Shut the fuck up, Spicoli."
"You make the room smell like alpo and ass, you filthy derelict fuck."
"Fuck you, hippie."
"This country needs a draft and soon."
5. Request a Non-Smoking Room
I speak from personal experience when I say that there's a good chance your roommate will lie about smoking on their housing application in order to avoid getting placed with someone who is a heavier smoker than they are. The first crunchy asshole I found myself living with did just that, and was completely shocked that I would think him a selfish prick for doing so.
Chances are, any dorm you live in will be smoke free at this point anyway. Regardless, your Trustafarian roommate will probably open a window and start puffing away. If they do, bust them.
6. Join a Wholesale Club
You will want to join a wholesale club. It's the only way you are going to be able to afford the amount of Lysol and Febreeze you will need to cover the hippie stink that permeates all hippie dorm rooms.
7. Arrive Before They Do.
This is critical. You need to move into the dorm before they do. If that dirty fuck drops his or her drug rug on your cot before you ever arrive, it marks you with their musk and legally makes you his or her willing victim in the drum circle of justice.
You need to be there when they arrive and you need to make it clear that you will not tolerate their Marlo Thomas enabled bullshit. When they come through the threshold, you need give them a five mile glare, making it clear without saying a word that you have boundaries, and if they cross those boundaries, you will cut them AND THEY WILL BLEED.
8. Establish Rules.
In general, hippies are not disciplined beings. They are self-centered and hedonistic and chafe when confronted by rules. As such, you need to regulate the fuck out of your living space.
As I mentioned above, you need to establish that you will not tolerate drug use or smoking in the dorm room. Even if you do not believe that smoking or drug use is wrong, you need this rule because they will not be able to follow it, and it can be a deal breaker because they are violating dorm policies.
You need to establish that your property is your property and yours alone. They, their friends and anyone that enters your room with their expressed or implied permission are not to touch your property without your permission. Make it clear that you will hold them accountable for anything that goes missing, and that you are perfectly fine with using "an eye for an eye" as a definition of justice. This especially holds true of your bed, because they will undoubtedly know people with scabies, crabs and other forms of bodily parasite due to their poor bathing habits and open attitudes towards sex.
If they throw a party in the room while you are away, they are responsible for cleaning up the mess before you get back.
They are not to burn candles or incense in the room in order to cover their stink and/or smoke. Even if you don't mind the smell of incense, lie. Tell them you find it repulsive. Like smoking, there will probably be a policy in place that prevents them from burning things anyway because its a fire hazard.
If you are trying to sleep, they need to listen to their music on a headset. If they don't own a headset, they need to fucking buy one or deal with it. If they attempt to play their drum, rain stick or some other form of hippie instrument while you are trying to sleep, let them know that you will break it and/or throw it out the window because they are being an asshole.
Beyond these basic rules, you need to establish others on the fly, after a problematic action happens. The rules need to be fairly reasonable. As tempting as it may be, you can't treat them like your prison bitch. While you can ask them to clean the shower in the unlikely event that they actually use it, you cannot tell them that they have to sit down when they pee. Don't tell them right off the bat to clean the toothpaste out of the sink after they brush their teeth, wait for them to leave a mess before bringing it up.
Regardless of how mundane and fair your rules are, your hippie roommate will regard you as a psycho and/or a nazi. If you follow my instructions, you should create an environment that is toxic to them, but perfectly reasonable to a rational adult, and this will force them to leave either by their own accord or with the aid of an RA.
9. If All Else Fails
If all else fails, beat the living shit out of them and sleep with their free love embracing hippie girl or boyfriend. Just be sure to wear a rubber and get tested regularly for the next two years, because hippies typically don't.
Once you have driven off your hippie roommate, feel free to go back to being a horrible human being. Sleep in. Listen to Slayer at midnight. Binge drink. Enjoy temporarily having a single for the lower cost of a double. You've earned it and your non-hippie neighbors will appreciate the effort.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"Why did you open Chapter 6 with a quote from Megan Fox" -My Fiance, Katie.
What follows is an exercise in hatefulness.
Picture, if you will, Abraham Lincoln.
Are you picturing him? If you aren't, you seriously need to stop what you are doing, clear your thoughts, and envision him in your mind.
Is he there?
Is he?
Look, if you aren't going to take this exercise seriously, you can read other websites.
Okay. At this point, I am going to assume that you have a clear picture of Abraham Lincoln in your mind.
If you are a man, do you have an erection? If you are a woman, do you have the tingle pants?
The correct answer is no, you don't. If you followed my instructions exactly as I wrote them, you have the image of Abraham Lincoln staring at you and it has killed your boner and/or staunched the flow of tingles to your pants.
Okay. Now ask yourself this question: Why did envisioning Abraham Lincoln make your pants fit better?
Was it because you have a profound respect for the man and all he accomplished? Was it because he is an authority figure and you are not comfortable having him see you sexually aroused? Was it because his wisdom rings out to you through the ages?
These may seem like legitimate explanations for your current lack of sexual arousal. If you are agreeing with these answers, however, you are not being completely honest with yourself.
To be truly hateful, you must be able to state the exact reason that envisioning Abraham Lincoln removes the yowsers from your trousers. It requires you to look for the most primal reason. It requires you to be able to look at one of your co-workers and say, seemingly out of the blue, "When I think about Abraham Lincoln, I loose every last trace of sexual arousal because Abraham Lincoln was an ugly, ugly man."
Admit it. He was an ugly man.
It's okay. Saying that does not diminish his legacy. Motherfucker could split rails like Fist of the North Star and orate like Jesus. He freed slaves. He enjoyed legitimate theater and could probably palm a basketball. Oh, and he's fucking related to Tom Hanks. All of these things that do not pertain to his looks are awesome.
On the other hand, his beard was inexcusable and all this talk of arousal probably made you think about Abraham Lincoln's dong.
In your face.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I believe I was but a lad of fourteen when I first felt the delectable pangs of hatefulness. It was early April, 1994. Spring had finally come to our little Hamlet and my heart was aflutter with that strange mix of puppy love and filthy, masturbatory lust that only an introverted fourteen year old boy can feel for a girl who has barely ever acknowledged his existence.
Her name was Sandra. I recognized her from the yearbook. She took a different bus, didn't have any of the same classes I did, and actually participated in extracurricular activities that did not involve Mortal Kombat II or hitting the TV until the Playboy Channel came in. She sent my ginger plot into a hormonal frenzy after I briefly made eye contact with her across the cafeteria.
Needless to say, three days and four boxes of tissues later, I found out that Sandra was a fucking idiot. She was part of a weird Christian fundamentalist sect that sold Christmas cacti by the roadside in order to fund missionaries who sought to convert people on the Lower East Side and believed that we were all wrong about dinosaur bones. I talked to her for thirty seconds in the hallway between classes and in that time she had told me that we were living in the end days, that there is a silent abortion holocaust, that her uterus was primed to do the work of god and that she felt sorry for my ancestors for having such a sinful heir. It was in those thirty seconds that I became an atheist.
I also realized that day that Sandra had a lazy eye and voice like a gagging ostrich being violated by Fran Drescher, neither of which I could have detected across the cafeteria or in the year book.
My world changed forever on that day. Whereas my walks home before this day had been idyllic romps down happy-go-lucky lane interspersed with occasional white washings and wedgies at the hands larger classmates, they had now become endless trudges through Moronville interspersed with occasional white washings and wedgies at the hands of stupid assholes. An infectious plague of stupid was all around me. There was something seriously wrong with every person I came in contact with. Worst of all, I was too polite to say anything about it.
I had been attending regular counseling appointments for my Attention Deficit Disorder for a number of years. When I related my experience with Sandra and subsequent misanthropy to my therapist, he called me a little prick. Fair Enough, I thought. The man provided me with the Ritalin, so he was probably right.
It was as I was leaving the therapist's office that day that I found a copy of the Hateful Man's Handy Book that another patient had either subversively left on the table for other like-minded sub-geniuses to read... or he just plain forgot it. Yes, dear reader, you hold in your hand now the latest edition of the same book I found that day – a book that changed my life.
As I perused the books mix of essays on human stupidity, step-by-step instructions on driving other human beings away with subtly abhorrent behavior and taxonomy guides to the wide variety of cretins and knuckle-draggers an enlightened individual may encounter in their day-to-day interactions with humanity, I felt an uncanny sense of relief and new-found perspective. One could argue that the uncanny sense of relief came as much from the realization that I was not alone in my contempt for mankind as it did from pissing on Sandra's bicycle. I prefer to think of it as a mix of the two.
Enjoy this book, my fellow hateful men!
And yes, there have been three recent incidents, and no, I said mauled, not muled. There is nothing wrong at all with people being muled across international borders, hidden inside a chimpanzee's colon.
Owning a chimpanzee may seem awesome. All the best celebrities have them.
They're like filthy little men that you can dress up like a Chucky Doll. Better yet, you can train them to dress themselves up like a Chucky doll so that there's no chance that you'll have to touch the Chimp's gooch. Of course, if touching chimp gooch is your thing, I recommend you read Chapter 87: "So I'm Considering A Truly Alternate Lifestyle That Will Put You Pedestrian Trannies to Shame". What you may fail to realize that is that you may not get a smart monkey who likes to wear overalls. Instead, you may get saddled with a slow-witted chimp dullard who would rather masturbate and chew on his feet. Now, raising a slow-witted jack off chimp is still awesome, but it's a different kind of awesome, more akin to rescuing a greyhound from the local racetrack. Sure, you'll still be fond of the animal, but deep down, you'll know its damaged goods.
One cannot understate how amazingly entertaining driving cross-country with a chimp looks. Looks is the operative term there. What most people fail to realize about "Any Which Way But Loose" and "BJ and the Bear" is that those chimps were chimp actors. In fact, closer inspection reveals that Clive was actually an orangutan and The Bear was a racist. As a responsible human being, I also feel the need to point out that neither could actually drive. Beyond all that though, have you ever actually driven cross-country with another person? Do you know how bad the car starts to smell? Okay, now replace "other person" with filthy, lice infested, poo-fllinging primate. Yeah, suddenly that awesome three week road trip with your little homey Mr. Goop-Goop doesn't look so appealing now, does it?
It is a common misconception that all chimps love to roller-skate. DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE. Seriously, don't believe the hype, people. Chimps fucking hate being put on roller skates just as much as you hated being put on roller skates the first time your lame parents took you to a birthday for one of your not-yet-aware-of-it preschool classmates (see Chapter 74:The Eighteen Things I Claim Are Sure Fire Signs That Your Child Will Grow Up To Be a Stripper or He-Whore) . For the love of god, my friend, do not corner a chimp with a pair of roller skates. The moment his or her mind realizes that those are not big bananas with apples on the bottom, you are going to be praying for death. Poo will be flung. Limbs will be chewed. Faces will be torn off and shat upon. Do you really want that for yourself, all just to see your adorable little friend on wheels? If so, just trick that damn primate into wearing heelies. Chimps do love heelies. They think heelies are clever inventions and clap when they see them in use, and that is fucking great.
A chimpanzee is a sure-fire way to pick up drunk women. As a man who has lived in a co-ed dorm for one year, I am a qualified expert on this shit. Let's face it, if you are reading this, you are, by definition, a hateful man. Hateful men need all the help they get, because their gut instinct in seeing a girl who wants to hook up with them is to point out every single imperfection they see on this person, and chances are if she is attracted to a hateful man, her breath smells like Melon Boons Farm, onion rings and bile. In order to bypass the instant "You're an asshole" that is guaranteed to come out of her mouth, regardless of how much hateful instinct you have suppressed, you pretty much have to have a chimpanzee with you. In fact, he better be wearing an "I'm with asshole" shirt and one of those helicopter hats. Do not let him wear a smoking jacket and fez, however, otherwise she'll probably be reading Chapter 87 in the morning instead of screaming at you for asking her to pay for the Denny's bill because you forgot your wallet.
Of course, now we come to a very serious part of this essay. There's something that usually does not get mentioned when chimp attacks are reported on the news because it is truly horrible -and I am not making this up - chimps tend to eat people's faces off when they feel threatened. Seriously. They will tear your your face off, put it in their mouth and eat it. They also have a tendency to tear people's limbs off and eat the hands and feet. Why do they do this? Because its seriously fucked up. It's something so fucked up that even the our primal ancestors couldn't laugh about it happening... to themselves. I mean, its all contextual. If a lonely old woman's pet chimp goes berserk and eats her face, that is appalling. But let's face it, if some nascar fan in Florida gets his face eaten because he did something to offend a chimp, I feel sorry for his kids, but I'm laughing at him.
So, in conclusion, the Hateful Man's Handybook does not advocate keeping chimps in your house. While there are plenty of hateful perks to owning a chimp, we can't get behind the close quarters face eating thing. As hateful as it may be to have a poo-flinging buddy who may one day wig out and eat your idiot neighbor, its better to laugh at the victims from afar and blame the owners. Saying "Fucking shit. Really, who keeps a fucking chimp as a pet?" while standing by the water cooler is much more fun than being held liable for someone's severed face.