Sunday, October 18, 2009

CH. 15: Off the Grid

(Inspired by a conversation with Boo)

Living off the grid in Manhattan and blogging about it does not constitute actually living off the grid.

Let me break this down to you:

1. You are living in one of the largest cities in the world. Even if you are not plugged into the electric grid in your own apartment, you are reaping the benefits of the electric grid because you are surrounded by a million other people who are. You enjoy the ambient light, the ambient heat, and the ambient douche-baggery of living in MANHATTAN.

2. YOU ARE THEN FUCKING BLOGGING ABOUT IT!! That negates what few "off the grid" claims you had going for you.

You really want to live off the grid? Fine. Move to the woods, so far out that you cannot see any ambient light from civilization. Split your own wood. Grow and hunt your own food with hand made tools and weapons. Harvest your own natural fibers and sew your own clothes. Build a shelter only using materials you harvested yourself.

When the park rangers find your corpse next spring, they will appreciate appreciate your sacrifice for the environment, assuming tehy don't just wreite you off ass an eco-yuppie jackass.

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