Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 12: Timeliness is Hatefulness


On Monday, September 14th, I posted a long list of hurtful, insensitive things I would enjoy hearing Bob Dylan say. Among these statements was the following phrase:

49. "Peter, Paul and Mummy, man. That's all I am saying about those has-beens."

I check out several news websites every morning. Not only does this keep me informed, it keeps my hatefulness topical and fresh. This morning, I ran across this story.

Did I call that shit or what?

Now, a more sensitive person might consider taking down or modifying non-quote #49. Being a hateful man, however, I will do nothing of the sort. A large part of being a hateful man is being completely unapologetic when a situation like this comes up. In fact, the truly hateful enlightened will bask in the rare opportunity to be extra-hateful that moments like this present. As such, I give you the following anecdote;

I remember being about five years old and thinking how pretty the young girl chosen to represent Mary Travers on the cover of "Peter, Paul and Mommy" was. Actually, being a typical five-year-old dumbass, I thought that was Mary. You know how stupid kids are.

A few years later, while watching the Peter, Paul and Mary 25th Anniversary Concert on PBS, my head exploded. Instead of a pretty young thing and two dapper dudes, there was this dumpy, middle-aged woman and two creepy old men singing. I'm pretty sure I looked at my five year old brother and said, for the very first time, "Dude. What the fuck is this shit?"

I've never been able to deal with Peter, Paul and Mary ever since. In fact, it may have been one of my earliest instances of hippie hatred.

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