Saturday, January 28, 2017

Let's Build a Wall... Said Donnie One Day


Alright.   Let's talk about the wall, for a moment.

It's a wall!

Even if it is surrounded by landmines, topped with razor wire and staffed with well-paid half-man-half-honey-badger red bull blooded cyborgs that are all heterosexual Christian crackers where it counts - even if Il Douche doesn't find a way to auction off construction to the lowest bidder and actually pays someone in full for their work - it's still a stationary object.  It can and will be bypassed.

Don't believe me?  Look at the security situations in Baghdad and Kabul over the last sixteen years and tell me that you actually have faith in the ability of the U.S. Government to actually seal off 1900 miles of border in seven years time.   Look at the corruption and waste that went into our recent war efforts.   Now look at Trump's long history of bullfuckery.  Do you really think that this fucking guy can be trusted with the construction of anything at this point?

Don't be a schmuck.  Reality doesn't work that way.

Also, no desperate person has ever said "Well, fuck, guys.  It's a wall.   I guess we better go back and let the cartels and/or paramilitary death squads murder us, or just settle for the crushing poverty at home in Central America." 

No smuggling operation has ever seen a wall and said "Oh raspberries, my bosom chums!  They built a wall!  The jig is up!  We'll just have to find some other use for all this cocaine!"

American drug users aren't going to be flocking to rehab because President Debate Sniffles decided to build a wall.

Unethical business owners aren't going to start offering an ethical wage for unpleasant jobs because the guy who refused to pay the undocumented Polish workers who helped build the tower named for him decided to build a wall.

War, exploitation and human misery in Central and South America aren't going wither away because of a fucking wall.

And, despite what Il Douche says, no, Mexico is not going to pay for the fucking thing.  We are.

But hey, we will have a big token gesture to show the world that we love throwing money at stupid bullshit instead of actually addressing the underlying problems that cause illegal immigration.   And, in four to eight years, when the pendulum swings back into the realm of rational thought and/or disenchantment, we'll have a another half-finished, half-assed monument to our impulsive, shortsighted stupidity.
