Since I've started to reply to everyone's Mosque post on facebook, but never actually post my comments because they get to long, I'll chime in with a note.
To quote everyone else, Bullshit, but there's bullshit on all sides of the issue.
Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. White, Christian privilege is easily confused with freedom when all you see is mid-term election year yellow journalism from homogeneous, corporate media. Devil's advocate though, how different is this from liberal atheists demanding that schools/stores/towns not display Christian imagery around the holidays for fear of offending other points of view? The left has as much a slanted view of religion as the right. Instead of embracing ALL cultures and backgrounds, we would restrict them for those among us who would rather not have to confront and ultimately tolerate another point of view. I'm not justifying what's going on, just pointing out a problem with our self-righteousness.
Bullshit like this - and the facts show it is complete and total bullshit (regardless of what it is, its 2 city blocks away from the World Trade Center site, in a former Burlington Coat Factory) - is designed to turn us against each other, to create a THEM to serve asa focal point when the former majority party doesn't have any higher ground to stand on than the Democrats, and could actually be blamed for many of the problems our country is facing. The left does it to people whose religious beliefs dispute the existence of dinosaurs (LePage) and demand that women give birth to their rapistsbabies (Palin).
America, ideally, is the greatest nation in the world because of the freedoms we claim to stand for. We allow multiple points of view not just because it makes us stronger and makes our enemies look like intolerant, despicable assholes. We allow multiple points of view because it's the right thing to do and the only way to be free. I love this country, and would not hesitate to defend it to the death if I had to. Muslims are not a threat to our way of life . People stupid enough to disregard the First Amendment of the Constitution are a threat to our way of life. People stupid enough to attempt to curtail any innocent person's freedom are a threat to our way of life. People who would have Americans fight against other Americans for political gain are a threat to our way of life. Corporate media who buy out the competition, seek to control access to independent media through opposition to Net neutrality and donate money to political parties instead of reporting the truth and remaining politically neutral are a threat to our way of life. However, so are politicians who roll over and play dead or go with the flow instead of condemning yellow journalism and election year ploys for fear of losing votes, and there's been a lot of that going on on the left. So are people who would work against ANY right guaranteed in the constitutional amendment, regardless of how safe they feel restricting it would make them.
Fight the real enemy, not each other.
Friday, August 20, 2010
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